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Exit Ramps on the Road to Sin

It is a promise from God. When you are tempted, He will provide a way out. God helps. You do not have to battle alone. This promise is right there in the first letter to the church in Corinth.  

But how does it work in real life? What are the exit ramps from the temptation road leading you to sin?

I think you can see a blueprint in the story of David and Bathsheba. On David's way to sin, God provided several opportunities for him to stop before it got worse.

So here is how it looked.

When all the kings went to war, David stayed home. If you are not where you should be, get there quickly. Go home. Go to church/worship. If you are where you should not be, leave. And if you are not doing what you should do, then start. Doing the right thing makes it much harder to submit to Satan's temptations. So read your Bible, pray, and go to church.

David got up from his nap, and he was restless, or bored, or depressed. He wandered around until he saw Bathsheba taking a bath. If you find yourself with nothing to do, stop it. Do something. Serve someone. Or get busy with doing the right things listed above. An idle mind really is the Devil's workshop.

When David asked about Bathsheba’s identity, one of the servants told him she was a daughter and a wife.That was yet another chance to get off the temptation road. To come to his senses. To realize what was happening. I appreciate that servant for having the courage/love to tell David what he needed to hear.

David sent messengers to get Bathsheba. I know he was the king, but I have often wondered what would have happened had some of those messengers spoken truth into David's life. Or told him not to do this thing. Would he have come to his senses?  

Bathsheba showed up. What if she had refused? Would David have forced her? Would that have made him think about what they were doing?  

There were lots of chances to stop and get off the road that ended in adultery. Some chances were presented directly to David, while others were indirectly provided by his community.  

It was a series of bad decisions that led to sin. And it was because David ignored every opportunity to get off. He ignored every exit ramp.  

And that is how you end up in a place you never wanted to be.

So pay attention.  

God will give you opportunities to escape.  

Just be sure and take advantage of them.