All in Discipleship
If we were to pursue the monastic life, what would Benedict suggest? Life as a cenobite, of course!
Was I putting energy into anyone’s day, or just cruising through my own day trying to avoid the vampires?
“Every good and perfect gift” is from the hand of God. Once I grasp this truth, I not only want to thank God, I am glad he has commanded me to do so!
There are a great many people today who are a bit confused by who God is.
Waiting in suspension, our lives hanging in the balance—isn’t this the worst feeling? So how could Advent possibly be a season worth celebrating?
Each of these different slants on the spiritual life still exists today, even if in a bit different expression than during Benedict’s time.
May we remember during Advent the courage it takes to sit and wait. In her waiting, Rosa Parks joined God’s movement of ushering in days more just than before.
What might we learn from Benedict’s commentary on the different kinds of monks?
As disciples of Jesus, we often press toward holding a consistency with our words and our deeds.