The road to the fullest possible joy is a path of obedience containing opportunities to follow that are contrary to human nature and turns opposite of which people often imagine themselves taking.
All in Reflection Roundup
The road to the fullest possible joy is a path of obedience containing opportunities to follow that are contrary to human nature and turns opposite of which people often imagine themselves taking.
Fear threatens to undermine the mission of God. How are Christians to handle this in practical ways? The Psalmist David, the Avett Brothers, and preacher Phoebe Palmer offer some advice.
One church welcomes children as full participants in Christian fellowship, creating a true intergenerational fabric of faith community which exceeds merely worshipping in the same room.
Throughout the holiday season I’ve been in the learner’s seat for a very practical lesson, but one that has large implications. It’s time I had some classmates.
During The Siburt Institute’s recent Summit on the ACU campus, Illinois author and Wheaton College professor Esau McCaulley challenged the audience with a courageous word of hope.
As summer comes to a close, we reflect on the simplicity summer activities offer as we seek to facilitate connection and belonging within Christian community.
Jeremiah’s interpretative leadership has something to say to all of us adapting to the disruptions of the times; God and the ways of God remain unchanged even when recontextualized.
“Let’s Talk Race Ministries” comes alongside groups wishing for help in finding the entry point into difficult conversations involving race.
The thrill of hope, a weary world rejoices!
Koinonia means we share, in equal parts, the instability of our humanity and the security of our identity in Christ; trusting God looks like trusting people.
How exactly is eternity seated in my heart and that of my faith community? Am I sowing into it daily? Recently a gathered group considered this question.
Ministry transition, even ministers leaving ministry, begs we ask honoring questions. A recent gathering of ministers revealed three questions worth exploring around the fellowship table.
Rather than a single Resurrection Sunday, Easter is an entire season in which Christians explore new life containing eight weeks total.
May you find rest in the winter of doubt and receive the affirmation of spring.
Where is the balance between offering gifts of service to the local congregation and implementing structures required for the kind of leadership by which the congregational body will feel truly supported?
If your biggest news is about an interesting insect whose path you crossed on your walk, then you’re onto something.
If we began our congregational ministry by assessing what we have to offer, we’d likely find it’s a lot.
The truth of God’s saving grace through faith becomes realer than real when experienced in life, interacting with those who wear skin. We need to have, to be, a friend.
If what the Breastplate of St. Patrick claims is true, then both a physical body and a congregational body can rest in its truth.
Reflecting on years of teaching young students, I am reminded of exercises captioned “Listen and do.” Might this be a simple, yet awfully mature, set of ancient instructions?