When churches preach Jesus Christ, call people to discipleship, welcome all to community and shared life, practice hospitality and care for others, then churches continually find opportunities to live into a simple Christian witness.
All tagged Churches of Christ
When churches preach Jesus Christ, call people to discipleship, welcome all to community and shared life, practice hospitality and care for others, then churches continually find opportunities to live into a simple Christian witness.
I may or may not agree with everything every congregation or college in Abilene is doing, but I sure hope they all talk to everyone they can about Jesus.
Our one clear allegiance is to God and to God’s agenda in the world, not to media agendas, political rhetoric, or social movements that paint themselves with some Christian hues in an effort to access the power of human kingdoms.
What sort of church structure describes Churches of Christ, Christian Churches, and other non-denominational congregations?
Does a reluctance to ask for help translate to a theology of prayer? It may. This week, 10 other “first things” take the place of the pride that binds.
Let it go. Think the best. Give prayerful time for people to explain, then believe them. Breathe deep and experience the freedom not to flesh out every detail.
One way human nature reflects the imago Dei is in our instinct toward relationality. May we prayerfully and mindfully bridge these spaces in fresh ways.
Can anyone else relate to the image of crossing a river, standing on stones you’ve just thrown into the river from the comfort of the riverbank?
I’ve wondered why open-mindedness seems such a rare quality these days. There is little room for nuance or complexity.
This week’s offering represents a concerted effort to facilitate agility in taking on others’ perspectives as the current crises continue.
In Women Serving God, Hicks outlines his own history of understanding, years of serious scholarship, and how he began to change his mind about the practice of female silence during worship.
As a minister in Churches of Christ for 20 years, I often struggled with how to help the contemporary church appreciate its past.
The elders in most of our churches today are deeply devout individuals with amazing spiritual maturity.
The answer is not for your female ministers to be less; it’s for all of us to lead in such a way that only God’s name can be praised.
Build relational bridges now, with intention and sincerity.
What are emerging adults like, and what are their biggest concerns, questions, and the issues they care about most?
From my experience, resistance to gender inclusion was far more about fear, conflict, and change than anything else.
You might say that we run a dating service for ministers and churches; we highlight for a church someone they may wish to call.
There exists a group of people who feel like they are not being heard. Not being listened to. Not being welcomed into the kingdom of God in the way God intended.
If restoration means something for those of us who are part of a restoration tradition, then it’s time to reimagine what we mean by the term.