All tagged Scripture

Matthew 25:1-13: The Parable of the Ten Young Women

But as we wait for Christ’s return, we are to “dress ready for service” and have our “lamps burning,” sharing the gospel of salvation by grace with the lost; instilling hope to the desperate; comforting the broken in spirit; advocating for those who cannot defend themselves; standing by the side of the vulnerable; denying ourselves and taking up our cross every day; imparting grace on our brothers and sisters; worshipping God with joy, gratitude and a humble and fervent heart; clothed in the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-16). This is the meaning of being ready. 

I Am the One Whom Jesus Loves

The starting place for every good and faithful interpretation of Scripture must be the conviction that God is good. And if there is anything about how I am reading a particular text that makes it sound like that isn’t true – well, then I can be certain that I do not understand that passage yet.

Letting Go: Embracing New Beginnings in 2025

This year, as we embark on new endeavors and seek to build and foster relationships that align more closely with our purpose, let us remember that God is ever-present, guiding us through each change and loss. In moments of despair, we should recognize these opportunities for growth and be willing to step into the newness of life God offers us.

Good News and Why It Matters for Leadership

The arriving and present Jesus is the good news of God. That is why Paul will claim that it is the very power of God to save and deliver people (Rom 1:16). I will say more about good news as it is offered in Acts on another occasion. However, for the moment here, I want to make some clear and important claims about the good news that inform the life of the church and the practice of ministerial leadership.

I Knew Better

When I felt the nudge to check in earlier, all I wanted to do was see how they were doing. I didn’t have a list of action items or suggestions for the girls. I just wanted this mom to know that I cared, but my silence communicated just the opposite. The silent treatment is always the worst communication plan.

Wrestling with Jacob

We live in a time and a culture that seems especially tempted to see the unfairness and brutality of human existence as good reason to let go of God. And if we are honest, there are probably times when it feels like holding on is pointless, when we wonder if our struggle to keep our faith is even worth it. And to that experience, this story offers us a gift: May we be as stubborn as Jacob: refusing to let go, until we get a blessing.

Redeemed, Ephesians 1:7-8a

How great and enduring should our gratitude be? It should be immeasurable and eternal. And how can we show it? By remaining at His feet, serving His cause, confessing before the world that He was “wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, and by his stripes we are healed.” 

Jesus and The Powers

Wright and Bird ground their response in Jesus’ primary message about the kingdom of God. They argue that in a time of fear and fragmentation, amid carnage and crises of various kinds, Jesus is King and Jesus’ kingdom remains the central object of the Church’s witness and work.