If you want to get serious about studying Scripture, you have to become serious about poetry. God chose to allow his interactions with humanity to be written in both prose and poetry. There are both histories and hymns, statements and also songs.
All tagged prayers & psalms
If you want to get serious about studying Scripture, you have to become serious about poetry. God chose to allow his interactions with humanity to be written in both prose and poetry. There are both histories and hymns, statements and also songs.
Fear threatens to undermine the mission of God. How are Christians to handle this in practical ways? The Psalmist David, the Avett Brothers, and preacher Phoebe Palmer offer some advice.
God is with you, God knows you, and God loves you. Don’t ever forget it. Because we are often hardest on ourselves. And if you are running from God, God isn’t far from you.
We know the value of good companionship, right? For some of us, we have made it through the past two years of pandemic life precisely because of our companions.
Lord, God of Sara, Rebekah, and Rachel;
and God of Hagar, Bilhah, and Zilpah.
For the child who went to school and will never come home: we mourn. For the mother who stares at the bed that didn't get made that morning, who must now plan it's occupant's funeral: we mourn.
May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed!
He is the compassionate Father and God of all comfort.
May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
be blessed!
He is the compassionate Father and God
of all comfort.
O Jesus, man of sorrows and suffering, hear me.
From the desire of being known,
deliver me, Jesus.
God, I’ve watched the news,
one report after another;
and to be honest—
I can’t look anymore.
Save me, O God
for the waters have come up to my neck.
A few psalms to use this morning, this evening, and/or alone in your prayers for Houston and the surrounding area.
Dear God, here they come,
twenty, forty, sixty, and more.
Oh God, steady my knees,
and nail my feet to the floor.
How could I forget the one who made known to me a kind of love that runs so deep it cannot be explained?
Lord, it’s true you have been our help,
generation after generation.
Before you gave birth to mountains,
to the earth or inhabited world,
I miss standing and walking,
no pain screaming profanity;
medicine absorbing memory,
and I still can’t forget.
Lord, help us this Mother’s day
to recognize what is genuine, what is good.
Open our eyes to those hidden among us.
Tornado season has come to us again, and the forecast for the week calls for more severe weather
Lord, we want to hear: “Peace, prosperity, security.”
Standing in your spotlight: “Favored, chosen, beloved.”
I wrote the following prayer a couple of years ago when asked to give a blessing over students entering the final program years of their degree at ACU.