All in Discipleship

Future Self

Focusing on our future selves is certainly a biblical concept. For instance, Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” This passage encourages believers to think beyond immediate concerns and focus instead on eternal values and future promises.

Self-Care or Selfish?

Your body, mind, and soul respond in gratitude when you care for them. The people in your world appreciate being around you when you are fully who you were created to be instead of a dried-up, used-up, depleted version of yourself. 

Communication Lessons from my Dad

It strikes me that any one of these communication qualities that I listed is a game-changer for the people around us. There are the rare people, like my dad, who have many admirable communication habits, but if you have any one of these and are maybe working on another, then you are in a strong position to show Jesus to others. 

The Prayer of Indifference

As followers of Christ, we ultimately want what God wants. So how do we figure out exactly what that is? While neither I nor anyone else knows exactly what that is every time, there is time and space to discern and arrive at what that could be.

Calling All Creatives

God created us to be creative, and if co-creating is a way that we can experience the divine—well, God is making things beautiful in their time. And God allows us to join him in that endeavor so that the world will see him, know him, and come to glorify him. 

We Know Not What We are Doing

What do I not know about my sin? Every time I sin, it is like a rock that is thrown into the middle of a body of water. A pebble makes small ripples, while a boulder makes big ones. My sin may not seem to be an undersea earthquake that causes a tsunami… but the ripples are undeniable, and it is impossible for me to see them all.


“Come to me.” How gently he summons us to him. The tool, or yoke, is used to join two creatures for the purpose of working together or sharing a load.